Mexican food having always been my long time favorite
of all ethnic cuisines, and having dined in many fine Mexican restaurants from the great State of Texas to the Big Apple, to Wellington, New Zealand, I had longed for a Mexican Cookbook to add to my already existing huge collection of books from all over the world. Most of the Mexican dishes that I have prepared had been of my own creating, but I was eager to try some new Mexican recipes, and from a cookbook that would come highly recommended...and it most assuredly would have to have recipes using Chillies, Chillies, and more Chillies. So about six years ago, a friend recommended the Mexican Red Hot Cookbook, by Jane Milton to me and I swiftly flew to the nearest bookstore to purchase the book.....actually for a Christmas present for my husband, as not only does he adore Mexican cuisine also but he loves to cook on the weekends. Well needless to say we love this cookbook. I noted that it is still available for sale if interested....available at Amazon, and I am sure at other bookstores near you.I thought I would share our favorite recipe from the cookbook in tomorrow's post for those that long for Enchiladas. The recipe is "Beef Enchiladas With Red Sauce and it is absolutely marvelous and as mouthwatering as you can ever get...and that's saying a lot for the chillies. However for this post I thought I would share a birdseye view of some of the kinds of recipes you might expect to find in this excellent cookbook.
Baked Salmon With Guava Sauce
Chargrilled Swordfish With Chilli and Lime Sauce
Chicken With Chipotle Sauce
Empanadas With Ropa Vieja
Pumpkin Seed Sauce
Chayote Salsa
Salmon With Tequila Cream Sauce
Swordfish Tacos
Red Snapper Burritos
Tortilla Pie With Chorizo
Courgette Torte
Stuffed Chillies In A Walnut Sauce
.........And Many More
The Mexican Red Hot Cookbook has left no stone unturned when it comes to a nice wide variety of Mexican dish choices to choose from here. Stop by tomorrow for the Beef Enchiladas With Red Sauce recipe. Come with an appetite and a yearning for Chillies. I promise...you won't be disappointed.
I adore eating hot spicey food, so I am going to have to track down my own copy of that book. And like hubby, I too am a weekend cook - the kitchen is mine for Saturday and Sunday. Long weekends are even better!